Monday 14 November 2011

Christian community in Christian business

Any online business can prosper only when the concerned management follows a set regulations /rules. It is true that many Christian community people are resorting to online means to set up their own counsel sites, book sites, entrepreneurships and yes let us admit many have gained success. It might be quite a bit boring to involve into something in which one has got no interest but when one is really interested to gain the best place in his/her business [any kind of business] then he/she must definitely have INVOLVEMENT.

The Christian business men mostly have their partnership with God. It does not mean all the Christian people in the online business have their fellowship with Christ. Many are just name sake Christians who do not follow the principles of giving the right offerings when it comes to God/preachers' donation. When they need to buy a new model car they rightly sign their cheque as 100000 dollars but when it comes to providing offerings in their Church they put a new $100/else even less amount in the offerings box.

These people cannot be justified as right or wrong by their acts but when one has decided to start an online Christian business then it is better he/she starts to strictly apply the rules of giving the proper tithing. In order to start the Christian community business one must at first pray and ask God and HIS guidance in doing the right things to set up the Christian business. In Bible it is mentioned "Our God is God of order" Hence just jot down what all are needed to start up the business? Firstly would be the right sources of information. This can be accomplished when one seeks for quotes in varied online sources. Secondly Finance. Yes it is not a joke to start a website catering online Christian products.

The MONEY is needed to settle for EVERY bill right from the purchase of a designed site to the marketing of the products. Last but not the least it is Patience. Although many gimmicks promise one that one could earn millions online in an online business one must be clear that such false promises can never ever be true. The business might not pick up well for few weeks, months or even years and in such case one must be ready in mind to try out the other varied options that could be done to uplift the benefit of the online entrepreneurship.

Any kind of business cannot just start and gain success in few days this must be in mind of the owner and with a positive mind set God Willing! all the success might cater him/her in every undertakings of the business!

Tuesday 8 November 2011

How to Realize Our Purpose in Life

Today’s world is full of strife and hardships. People run around for work and trying to make the most money that they can, thinking that it is the key to happiness. However, they soon realize that they have everything that they could ask for but are not really content with their lives. Then there are those people who work as hard as they possibly can but are always in a state of depression as they can barely make their ends meet. What all these people do not realize is that everyone has a purpose in life and unless they fulfill that purpose, they can never truly be happy.

For some, their purpose in life is evident at an early age. They know what they want to do and how they want to serve their community and the world as a whole. For others, it can take years to realize just what they were meant to do with their lives. The Christian church teaches men and women to spread the word of Christianity and make believers of other people, thus widening the Christian network. It has also helped many people in realizing what they are truly meant to do with their lives. It encourages them to do good for their community, for the less privileged and for the whole world. They are taught that God has a plan for each and every one of us.

Christian life coaching can help us reach our goals as long as we are willing to make an effort. All of us need a little help or push to achieve the goals we set for ourselves in life. With a life coach, we get someone who encourages us and holds us accountable for our progress. Without such guidance and encouragement, it is hard for us to stay on track and accomplish what has been set before us.

A professional life coach can help us focus and identify our goals. We can keep track of the progress we make and stay motivated. He can help us understand that it is not only the long-term goal we should be focusing on but the monthly, weekly and daily goals as well. Without these, it is impossible to achieve our ultimate goal in life, no matter what it might be.

No matter what our personal goals may be, having one can make living in this world a lot easier. There is also the satisfaction of knowing that realizing your purpose can help you make an impact in other people’s lives.

Tuesday 1 November 2011

Finding a Christian Mate

Some people are really particular about finding a Christian mate to spend the rest of their lives with. Religion is an important part of their lives and they believe that the Bible does not want them to marry anyone belonging to any other religion. Christians believe that marrying someone who is not a Christian can cause problems in the home front. The Bible says: ‘Do not be yoked together with unbelievers’..2 Corinthians 6: 14. But how does a Christian make sure that he finds himself a Good Christian mate? It is not an easy job! But here’s how you can give it your best shot!

How to find a Christian mate:

  • Attend all church services and classes organized by the church during the week or special festivals.
  • Carry a Bible with you everywhere you go and talk about your religion so that people know you as someone who is serious about the Christian faith.
  • Try to be a leader or helper in the church. Many young single people will also be helping out and you will get to meet them in this way.
  • There are usually Bible study sessions organized at churches. Try to attend these. It would be better if you try to attend the sessions at another church rather than your own. This way you can broaden your horizons.
  • Many churches organize trips to places of religious interest. Try to go for these. On such trips, you have better chances of meeting young singles.
  • Go to a Christian college or Christian educational center. Here you will meet people like you who share the same faith.
  • Ask your fellow Christians if they will go for a movie with you or to places of similar interests where you can all meet together and get to know each other better.
The christian church is particular about the faith being carried on properly by the people who get married. The Christian church wants its Christians to propagate the faith by marrying only other Christians. The christian life is centered on building their faith by taking part in church services and attending all church programs. Christians can also find suitable mates over the internet. There are many Christian dating sites online that are will increase your chances of finding a Christian mate. They unite with each other in God’s name and strengthen the Christian faith. This is the essence of Christian life.